Python, Calling and Communicating with Other Scripts

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language widely recognized for its readability and simplicity. One of the many powerful features it offers is the ability to call and interact with other Python scripts. This feature is incredibly useful for creating modular programs, where separate parts of the program are isolated in different scripts for better organization and easier debugging. This article explores various ways of calling and interacting with Python scripts, discussing different scenarios and their appropriate solutions.

Basic Method of Calling Another Python Script #

At the simplest level, one Python script can call another using Python's built-in execfile() function, which can run a file as Python code. For example:


This command will run However, this function is not available in Python 3, so you can use the built-in exec() function in conjunction with open() to achieve the same result:


Calling Another Python Script with Arguments #

To call another Python script with command-line arguments, you need to use the subprocess module. The subprocess module allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. Here is an example:

import subprocess['python', '', 'arg1', 'arg2'])

In this example, 'arg1' and 'arg2' are the arguments passed to

Getting Output from a Called Script #

You might want to call another script and get the output it produces. This can be achieved using the subprocess.check_output() function:

import subprocess
output = subprocess.check_output(['python', '', 'arg1', 'arg2'])

Calling Scripts in Different Directories #

Python scripts in different directories can also be called by specifying the full path to the script. For instance:

import subprocess['python', '/full/path/to/', 'arg1', 'arg2'])

Calling a Function from Another Script #

Python allows us to import functions from other scripts and call them. Suppose contains a function called function1(), we can import this function and use it in another script:

from script2 import function1

Running Another Script as Main #

When a script is run, Python sets a few special variables, and __name__ is one of those. If the script is being run directly (not imported), Python sets the __name__ variable to __main__. We can utilize this to make sure that certain parts of the code are run only when the script is run directly:

def function1():
print("This is function 1 from script2")

if __name__ == "__main__":

If we run directly, it will print "This is function 1 from script2". But if we import script2 from another script and call function1(), the print statement in the if __name__ == "__main__": block won't be executed.

Running Scripts in Parallel #

Python also supports running scripts in parallel. This can be achieved using the concurrent.futures module's ProcessPoolExecutor:

import concurrent.futures
import subprocess

with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
output1 = executor.submit(, ['python', ''])
output2 = executor.submit(, ['python', ''])


This example shows two Python scripts being run concurrently. The submit() function schedules the function to be executed and returns a Future object. The result() function then waits for the function to complete and returns the result.

In conclusion, Python provides a plethora of ways to call and interact with other Python scripts, making it an excellent language for creating modular and organized programs. Whether you want to call another script with command-line arguments, get the output from another script, or even run scripts in parallel, Python has the capabilities to make it happen.

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